About Me
I am an author and illustrator who explores our relationship with the natural world, looking through multiple lenses - from the biological to the mythic and psychoanalytic. I have a first-class MCantab in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, during which she spent most of her time in the Zoology department. After that, I completed a MSc and Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, exploring the making and meanings of monstrous creatures in seventeenth century Europe.
I published my first book when I was a teenager, Feathers and Eggshells, inspired by my very favourite place, Hampstead Heath and the birds I was entranced by since I was a child. I have given a TedX talk, appeared on BBC Radio, and worked with installation artists. Currently, I live in a converted church in London with my partner and two Maine coons, Loki and Thor. My study is filled with plants and a natural history collection - which includes everything from megalodon teeth to Venus flower baskets and hornbill skulls.

If you would like to work with me or have any questions, please get in touch